September 24, 2014

Le Labo

I was introduced to LE LABO years ago by one of my super-trendy co-workers and have since become a loyal fan. She would always prance around the office leaving an amazing scent in her step and when asked "What are you wearing?" she would casually respond with "Le Labo." So, on adventure through NoLIta one day we stumbled in and I walked out with the NY scent. And then I went back during their city exclusive event and bought another.

Needless to say, each year I love when you're able to shop the city scents for a limited time in the fall. From now until September 30th you can purchase any city scent in any city where there is a LE LABO store. Aside from NY, one of my favorites is Vanille 44, the Paris scent. Another great perk? When you finish your bottle, city exclusive scents are refillable all year round so you don't have to wait. Now, LE LABO isn't cheap, but it is so worth it, so if you're willing to splurge head down before the end of the month to try a city scent (or any scent for that matter).

Images 1 & 4 my own, IMAGE 2, IMAGE 3

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