April 20, 2014

One Week To Go

Image via Nike

One week to go until the NIKE WOMEN'S HALF MARATHON in DC. This will be my first half and i'm a mixture of both nervous and excited for the big day. I've been training for the past few months so i'm definitely looking forward to seeing how all my hard work has paid off.

Training in the winter was rough since most of my runs had to be done on a treadmill. As soon as there was even the hint of nice weather my running shoes were on and I was outside which was MUCH better. It was great to get out there and push my body by running a little farther each day and seeing new parts of Central Park (side-note: it's size is quite deceptive and is only roughly 7 miles). Shin splints, achey knees and a lack of motivation towards the end all had me questioning why I was doing this. And why was I?

Well, I wanted to check something off my bucket list and doing a half marathon in DC seemed like a great thing to do. Running throughout the US capital is definitely inspiring and the views are going to be magnificent - Lincoln Memorial, the Capitol Building, the Jefferson Memorial and many more. I can't wait. I'll let you know how it goes next week. #WeRunDC

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