December 19, 2014

Weekly Roundup: December 19, 2014

Holiday party last night = Desperately need bed. Happy weekend!

The most amazing HOME REVEAL! When can I move in?


A seriously killer CHEESE PLATE. Perfection.

Loved these looks from SAM, JULIA, and MACKENZIE.

5 MIXERS to have on hand in your home bar.

What your AIRLINE SEAT says about you.

I could just eat PRINCE GEORGE up. He is so stinkin' cute.

And in case you missed it here on L&C...


A roundup of HOLIDAY CARDS.

How to get MODELFIT.


2014 Holiday Gift Guide Roundup

We're getting down to the wire here. Christmas is less than a week away. If you still have to finish up your holiday shopping check out all the great gift guides that I featured. Links to all are listed below. Happy shopping!

Shop all of these gifts and more ideas on my PINTEREST BOARD.

December 18, 2014

Get Fit: Modelfit

A couple weeks ago I was lucky to snag a spot in the Sweaty Betty x Modelfit studio takeover where attendees got to take a MODELFIT class and then score two items from SWEATY BETTY. For those unfamiliar with MODELFIT these classes incorporate pilates, yoga, stability movements and more to get you fit and toned. Each exercise is focused on getting you long and lean, not bulky. Oh yea, and it's the workout that Victoria's Secret Angels and Sports Illustrated swimsuit models do. So, if some of the most beautiful women in the world come here to get fit somethings working (aside from perfect genes).

December 17, 2014

Pumpkin Pecan Baked Brie

When I stumbled upon this recipe for PUMPKIN PECAN BAKED BRIE I knew instantly it was one to try. Thanksgiving was the perfect occasion to test this recipe and boy am I glad I did. It was so easy and so delicious - I've never seen anything eaten as quickly as this baked brie. It will definitely be making a reappearance on Christmas. Get the recipe below.

December 16, 2014

Sending Holiday Cheer

I love getting holiday cards. They're just so thoughtful and meaningful - someone actually spent the time to write and send you that card. Via snail mail. Which has become more and more rare as of recent. Here are a few that caught my eye this season.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

December 15, 2014

Scenes From The Weekend: NYC Holiday Pop-Ups

This past weekend was awesome. Seriously, it was so fun that being back at work today is extra bitter. One of my best friends came in and we had GLAMSQUAD come to the apartment before hopping around to some holiday pop-ups including #73SPRINGSHOP and CUYANA, dinner at SCHILLER'S LIQUOR BAR, and then a boozy brunch on Sunday at MAYA. The perfect weekend, so yea, reality bites.
Gorgeous prints by INSLEE BY DESIGN.

Loved this little nook and that pillow!

Monogramming my cosmetic cases on the spot!

December 12, 2014

Weekly Roundup: December 12, 2014

Wow, this week flew by and I'm definitely not complaining. I've got my girlfriends coming in this weekend to do some holiday shopping - hitting up those HOLIDAY FAIRS - and catching up over dinner and brunch of course. Enjoy!

NYC food news: URBANSPACE VANDERBILT coming in 2015.

HEALTHY EATING TIPS for the holiday season.

A guide on how to hang a GALLERY WALL.

Hysterical photos GONE WRONG.


Loved these looks from LE CATCHSALLY, and JESSICA.

How to get the VS ANGEL WAVES.

A great post from HALLIE.

Obsessed with this home's DECOR.


Kate and Will were in NYC this week and of course she looked amazing. Love all of her OUTFITS.

I'd like this RING please.

THINGS TO DO this December.

A seriously amazing WRAPPING HACK.

And in case you missed it:






December 11, 2014

It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year


December 10, 2014

Holiday Dressing

What's holiday dressing without sequins, feathers and rich colors? Here is what is inspiring me this season...

December 9, 2014

The Look...For Less: Reed Krakoff Mini Atlantique

When you think of VERA BRADLEY what probably comes to mind are quilted floral bags and duffels, not something leather and sleek looking. It's therefore surprising that this TOTE could almost pass for the REED KRAKOFF MINI ATLANTIQUE.

December 8, 2014

NYC Holiday Markets & Fairs

One of my favorite times of the year is when the holiday markets and fairs all open up in NYC. These temporary markets and fairs are, in my opinion, one of the best places to find unique and special gifts for friends and families. From jewelry to home decor, beauty, children's clothes, you can find whatever you're looking for at one of these markets. Check out my favorites below!

December 5, 2014

Weekly Roundup: December 5, 2014

The quote above couldn't be more perfect. This year has FLOWN by. It feels like just yesterday I was watching one of my best friends get married on NYE. I'm so looking forward to the holiday season this year. Aside from all the tourists, NYC is just magical at this time of year.

Some TIPS to keep in mind as we enter holiday party season.

I can certainly relate to this POST, but in my experience, not with J.Crew.

The MOSCOW MULE has been my drink of choice lately. But I have to have a copper cup.

Loved these looks on MERRITT and DALLAS this week.

Now there are VACATION BOOBS? Ridiculous.

Girl Scouts finally start selling ONLINE.

CONCEALER HACKS. I need these.


Why you should roll SUGAR COOKIE DOUGH.

OMG these DOGS PLAYING IN THE SNOW are too cute. And this one who SINGS?!?! I can't.

As the year starts to wind to a close, you may have FORGOTTEN some things that happened and missed some AMAZING PHOTOS. So cool.

Bros being BASIC.

Good to know: how to make LAST NAMES PLURAL.

Oh swoon, this CALIFORNIA house and this UWS APARTMENT. But alas, these AIRBNBs might be more in my range for a weekend away.

Adding the ingredients for this SALAD to my much needed grocery shopping list.

Anna Wintour's best CAREER ADVICE.

December 4, 2014

Terrain Daydreams

Long a fan of ANTHROPOLOGIE it's shocking that I hadn't ventured to TERRAIN before last weekend. After doing some serious shopping damage in Westport, my Mom and I decided to stop in as we were in need of caffeine and food. Luckily, this absolutely adorable home and garden store has a café situated amongst the endless inspiration that encompasses TERRAIN in its entirety. It's the perfect store to get lost in daydreaming about the garden you may or may not have. And if you don't have one, you'll want one after visiting. Trust me. If you're in the CT or PA area, take a stop in it's absolutely magical with the Christmas decor.

December 3, 2014

2014 Holiday Gift Guide: My Wishlist

The day has come - the last gift guide I'll be doing for this year. I can certainly say I'm happy about it as it takes a lot of work to go into it. I hope they've been enjoyable for you and you've gotten your fair share of inspiration. To round things off I'm sharing what I'm hoping to get my hands on this year. Hey, a girl can dream!

December 2, 2014

2014 Holiday Gift Guide: The Dog Lover

For the person who loves dogs or your four-legged friend, they deserve a treat this holiday.

December 1, 2014

The Look...For Less: Vita Fede Mini Titan Bracelet

The VITA FEDE MINI TITAN BRACELET is pretty fierce and would look great stacked on your wrist, but if you're looking for a cheaper option check out the JEWELIQ MARBLE SPIRE CUFF. Similar in design, but very different in price.

2014 Holiday Gift Guide: For The Home

Down to the last few gift guides this week. Today's brings some fun accents for the home. Decorating my apartment has been so fun over the past few months, I can't even imagine how much I'll love decorating a house one day. Until then...

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